Sexual Harassment

Claremont Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Comprehensive Legal Support for Sexual Harassment Victims in Southern California

What is Sexual Harassment?

As defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment includes:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature occurring in the workplace or in a learning environment.
  • In some cases, negative comments may also constitute sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is an assault on a person’s dignity and worth. It can be emotionally scarring and even physically debilitating. Despite efforts to eliminate sexual harassment from the workplace, offending behavior continues and victims seek recourse through the law. If you believe you have been a victim of sexual harassment, The Wheeler Law Firm, APC is here to help. Don't wait, contact our sexual harassment attorneys to seek justice today!

Seek Justice with Claremont's Trusted Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Understanding the Legal Framework of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is recognized as a form of discrimination outlawed by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It exists when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are linked to employment or career advancement, or simply make one’s job intolerable.

  • Quid pro quo: The first and most overt type of sexual harassment exists when a person’s employment or career advancement actually depends upon submission to a superior’s sexual overtures. This quid pro quo (this for that) exchange can be explicitly stated or merely implied by the overall circumstances.
  • Hostile work environment: This type of sexual harassment is found in workplaces where unwanted sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. When a worker hates being on the job because of the sexual conduct she must see, hear or suffer, she may very well have a case for sexual harassment.
  • The unwelcome question: The sticking point for all sexual harassment claims is that the conduct must be unwelcome. Office flirtations and romances, even between a worker and a supervisor, are not harassment when they are fully consensual. Therefore, it is important for a victim to take reasonable steps to establish his or her objection to the behavior.
  • Same-sex sexual harassment: Sexual harassment does not have to be between members of opposite sex. Cases of same-sex harassment are prevalent, and it is not necessary to prove a homosexual orientation in the harasser.

The firm's Claremont sexual harassment attorneys treat all accusations of sexual misconduct seriously.

Identifying the Three Main Types of Sexual Harassment

In the case of sexual harassment, the types of harassment include: verbal/written, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment creates a hostile work environment through offensive comments, jokes, images, or unwanted physical contact.

Examples of the forms of sexual harassment include:

  • Verbal/written harassment - This is most likely the most common type of harassment:
    • Sending emails with offensive jokes
    • Asking an associate out on dates repeatedly via email
  • Physical harassment - This does not have to be directed at a person to be considered harassment. If an employee sees another worker make an offensive gesture and they feel harassed, they may have a case.
    • Unwanted touching of a person
    • Displaying lewd hand gestures or other gestures that suggest something offensive
  • Visual harassment
    • Showing an employee sexually suggestive emails or texts
    • Displaying images of a sexual nature at a workdesk

If you have experienced any forms of sexual harassment in the workplace, it is important to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney. At The Wheeler Law Firm, APC, we offer a free consultation and provide personalized attention to your case. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through the process, offering responsive communication, and fighting for your rights. You’ll receive direct attention from an attorney, ensuring that your concerns are addressed and your voice is heard. With over 25 years of experience, we are equipped to handle your harassment case effectively and advocate for a resolution that upholds your rights. We are committed to providing quality legal representation -- contact us today. We serve clients in both English and Spanish.

Legal Remedies for Sexual Harassment Victims

Victims who prove sexual harassment may collect damages, including:

  • Back pay – wages, salary, and fringe benefits that the victim would have received from the point at which she or he was denied employment or promotion up to the date of the trial
  • Compensatory damages – for emotional distress, pain and suffering, mental anguish, etc.
  • Attorney's Fees – at the court’s discretion, to the prevailing party
  • Punitive damages – limited to cases in which the employer's behavior was intentional, with malice or reckless indifference toward the victim
  • Front pay – compensation for anticipated future losses in cases where reinstatement is not practical

Injunctive relief, including reinstating a fired employee or ordering the employer to change policies and practices that allowed the harassment to occur, is also available.

Advocate for Your Rights with Claremont's Sexual Harassment Attorneys

The Wheeler Law Firm, APC will assert your rights against your employer. 

Empower Your Case with Claremont's Dedicated Harassment Lawyers

Why Hire Our Firm?

What you can expect when you hire The Wheeler Law Firm, APC:
  • Personalized Attention to Your Case
  • Responsive Communication & Guidance
  • Professional & Courteous Legal Team
  • Over 25 Years of Experience on Your Side
  • Direct Attention from an Attorney

Client Testimonials

"An excellent attorney that delivered an excellent outcome."

- Randy H.